my days..

Most of the time I sorta feel like my days move between moments like this...
kids together, crafts with Lucy 044.jpgedit
and this....
piki and zoo 090.jpgeditpiki and zoo 055.jpgedit
but these moments are the ones that make me want a billion more watoto....


Bibi Ronnie said…
That laughter just made my day! Oh how I wish I could give Evy kisses. The tears pictures were so funny. They can change from one emotion to the other so quickly at that age. Tell Anni Bibi thinks she is a great big sister!
Gma Rho said…
How fun to see the sisters interact! They already adore each other. Just like cousin Josh and his big bros! Evy's laughter is precious. Missin' those girls!
jamie said…
oh girl- those of us with kids are on the same boat as you!!

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