beans & belly laughs

Here is more video proof that Annikah is indeed enamoured with her Papa. He was helping me sort beans the other night (you have to pick out all the rocks, dead bugs, and twigs before soaking and cooking them- I know fun stuff!!). We discovered that Anni thought it was hilarious every time Jason dropped a bean, which he did quite frequently, and we both cracked up at her laughing. Jason lost his voice due to a nasty cold so no he is not trying to sound sexy :) & maragwe means beans in Kiswahili. Hope you have some belly laughs today!


Annie said…
It gives a whole new meaning to "beans beans the musical fruit" - so adorable!
Unknown said…
you can't help but laugh out loud with her! and of course, i love her little commentary.. "that's funny." precious!!
Anonymous said…
too funny!
Bibi Ronnie said…
Too bad she ins't having any fun there? OMG! How hilarious. I ws laughing with her, and at my age that can be dangerous.....
Anonymous said…
AWWW i LOVE the curly hair. I wish I could laugh that hard at little things.
Mark said…
That's a great laugh she's got there! Do you think it comes from Mom or Dad? =)
Jorie said…
Silas says the same thing, "that's funny!" :) I love it.
Unity said…
Man, I wish I was that easily entertained--it would make my life so much happier :-) Thanks for the video--it makes me smile.
THAT is the greatest belly laugh EVER! Thanks for sharing your life there with us here!!

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