FINALLY! She crawls...sort of..

Annikah has finally started crawling. She used to just roll and the scout on her butt to get at certain toys but that was pretty slow and she realized it was much easier to fuss until Mama or Papa got her said desired item. No more! She started bear crawling and now gets pretty much where ever she wants to go. I first discovered this by putting my glass of water down after our morning run yesterday out of her reach while she played. I was stretching and then looked over and she had crawled to the water and proceeded to dump the full glass all over herself and the carpet. Today she is getting quicker and even followed me into the hall. I am very impressed with her new skill! I am sure i will soon learn the downside to my mobile baby (as I have been warned by many friends a redecorating of sorts must occur) I am enjoying her being excited that she can do it! Here is a sampling of her mad new skill.


Michelle said…
YAY!!! Good for you, Anni! Maybe you can give Gilly a pep talk!!
sarah said…
i love it! she and elliot have the same awesome stride.
Laura S said…
Soon she will be as fast as Joshua and then look out! You won't need to go out and run to prep for the marathon anymore ;)

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