busy weekend

Weekends here seem to alternate between having notta a thing to do and having tons of things to fit in. We always try to spend some time as a family and this usually requires leaving our house and heading to the beach for some *just* family time. This weekend was busy. After the wedding on Friday and the meeting at Anni's school we had a jammed packed Sunday. Nothing was really planned that way it just sorta happened. Which is how a lot of life here is.
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We headed to the beach on Sunday with a family from Anni's school and the kids had a blast playing together and swimming and jumping in the huge waves.
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Evy takes a nap
beach day and football game 027.jpgedit climbing trees
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sitting in the sand waiting for the waves & sharing oranges
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On the way home Jason got an invite to play in a local football (*soccer for my American readers) game. It is a really important game that only happens once a year and always happens the weekend before Ramadan starts. It is the Watu Wazima (grown people) vs. the Vijana (young folks) and Jason was invited to play for the Wazima team (I guess having a wife and a couple watoto make you old :). Jason wore a friend's shoes and they gave everyone a blue jersey to wear. He was the only white boy playing but we snuck over to watch and snap a few pictures and he was doing pretty good. Or at least it seemed that way to me (although I should qualify that the last time I played football I was 10). Whatever his football skill J is always a hunk in my opinion. But it was hilarious to see the men so into the game and speaking in Kiswahili. Not that I could repeat any of the phrases as they were yelling sooo fast- a sure sign of smack talkin.'
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Go Mzungu Go!!!
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I got a call from a girlfriend I meet a few weeks ago around the same time to invite me to her birthday party that night so we headed home a bit early from the game (that we heard ended in a shut out) so we could feed the kids and get them to bed before I headed out. Lots happening because everyone tries to fit in all the partying and fun they can before Ramadan starts this week. Packed weekend for sure but we had a good mix of family time, local flavor, and being with friends.
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feeding the bday girl cake tradition
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my friend's daughter could not resist..

*I mostly insist the way we 'Mericans say stuff is the right way (if for no other reason than to irritate our British friends:)) but I must acquiesce that football is a better word for the sport. After all you use your feet and that is what the rest of the world calls it. Sorry, I am a trader.


annalea said…
yep, football is a way better term.
Bibi Ronnie said…
Looks like Anni was having a great time, and the pic of you and Evy is very sweet. Was Jason sore the next day?
Meghan Baird said…
you mean "traitor?" unless you mean that you trade the two words-- trading "soccer" for "football." I'm just messing with you, but thought that was funny. :)

You need to come back to America before you forget your English!
Roxanne said…
Meghan- sooo funny that you were the only one who saw this- I am a trader though as I trade tomatoes for coconuts :) Maybe I should NOT be teaching English!!

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