
We enjoyed a fabulous Thanksgiving in Iowa with Jason's family. During the prayer Jason and I both started crying as I guess it really hit us how much we do not take special times like these for granted after living far away from the cultural comforts of home and the amazing time with family. It was a blessing to be together and enjoy amazing food, crazy cousin time, and fellowship. We now are at my family's home for round 2...Yeah!
Thankful.....that is us!
Rhoda's 3 days of cooking and preparing made for a delicious meal!
Annie, Justin, & Claire
Mark, Jorie, and littlest cousin Joshua
Jim & Jason about to dig in..yummy!
Oh Yeah!!!
beats last year's bread and salad on a school day!
turkey induced semi-comma
cousin jammie party!


Jorie said…
One of the biggest blessings for us this year was having you guys here for Thanksgiving. So glad we could enjoy this special day with you. Great pics too!

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