as if I needed another reason... think my husband is the BEST Papa around. He came home last week and asked Annikah is she would accompany him on a Papa-Anni date to a park (I would say the park but we are moving up in the world as there is now 3 places we can go! Although the operating hours are sketchy at best). When a pretty dress, a piki piki ride, and roadside popcorn were added to the mix she could not stop smiling.
potrait practice and shaker spoons 030.jpgedit
How precious is the love, acceptance, and time of a father in the life of his daughter?
It makes my heart smile.


Gma Rho said…
Love this picture!!!
Emily Clarkson said…
C U T E! Love it!
Bibi Ronnie said…
Looks like Papa rates higher than "the crush". Darling picture.
Zach said…
Good for you, Jason! ;)
jkww said…
so cute!!
Anonymous said…

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