
Just some odds & ends.....
Last weekend we let Anni invite some friends over from her school for a "play date." They rode bikes, played with her toys, made some crafts, and had a picnic lunch of beans, rice, and watermelon outside. Anni even decided to share her Kool Aid: it was special!
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eating outside made clean up a lot easier! Thanx Mboga!
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Papa worked hard last weekend to assemble Anni and Evy's new bed: a bunk bed! We bought it from a family leaving the island that needed to sell everything they could not take back so it was super cheap. Stuff here is used and reused. We really do not need it yet but it was just too tempting for Anni who begged everyday to put her new bed in their room. Jason was a stud and assembled it with no directions and although a few missing bolts gave him some challenges he got it together in just a couple hours. Anni's job was to dust and clean it and then help us make the bed. She loved helping out and begged us to let Evy sleep with her on their new bed. After explaining the Evy would fall but that until her sister can sleep with her Anni could use the top as a special reading nook she was super excited. Check it out.....
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Evy is 7 months old!
anni and Evy, anni buying fabric in mjini 003.jpgedit
watoto wangu (my children)...they are beautiful!


Gma Rho said…
The bed looks great - how fun to have a reading loft! Nothing like a special place to curl up and read a good book!
Bibi Ronnie said…
Evy's eyes are so brown now. The bed looks totally cool for two little princesses. Just got back from watching the fireworks that the guy sets off for his birthday. Anni would have loved them. Sorry to hear she was sick, but I love the pics of her winning at Candyland!

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