my littlest man right now

A few months ago Abishai asked me "Mama, since you are my best girl can I take you on a date to Chik Fila A and I will wear a bow tie, hold the door for you, and pay with my own money?"

And then my mama heart exploded.

He has been saving his chore money since February and this week in honor of Mother's Day we finally had our little date and it was everything. Great chicken (let's be real- I mostly eat the sauces with a side of chicken)  and even better company.

Can this boy stay this cute forever? Also, he can do no wrong when he wears a bow tie. #amirite? I think time slows a bit for your last little and I am grateful for these moments of preciousness to savor and remember.
Happy almost Mother's day to all the Mamas out there.


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