the latest

Stick a fork in me......cuz I'm DONE friends!!

Or at least the end is in sight.  After being up all night with a miserable Evy Imani whose entire little body had hives covering it and taking her to the doctor I headed to my weekly barrage of check ups. A couple hours later we are at the hospital and starting an induction (bonus though is I already am dilated 2cm and my contractions are 4 minutes apart so hopefully it will not be horrible).  Looks like this baby boy is ready to be evicted as much as I want him out! Another bonus is that my mom is already here since she came in last night to help with Evy and so that we could make it to Foster Care training.  They admitted me after my fluid dropped to dangerously low levels and a test indicated that I was possibly leaking fluid.
So, we are here and hopefully within 48 hours I will no longer be pregnant!! And we are ready to meet this little boy!!! God is so good to get us through this so far and He is faithful.  If you are the praying sort please pray for us.  Let's do this thing!!
Had to post the last bump pic,


Doro said…
Praying for you... even if you are already there for quiet a while.

The pics are halarious!!! This is Rox :-)

So happy for you, that it soon will be over. You can be so proud, as you managed this long, long jorney with this precious gift waiting for you all at the end :-) Happy with and for you all (only sad, that I might not meet this little guy so soon... but hopefully one day!)

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