monkey around!

It had completely left my brain that I needed to lead a craft last Wednesday. I remembered at around 8:30pm the night before and quickly had to generate something. I decided to teach the kids "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" because it has been such a hit with the shule kids (they LOVE it- the version I have is a little jazzy and they request it every day now). So, I needed something having to do with monkeys for the craft. Never fear procrastinator-lack-of-creative-energy-Mama the Internet is here! I found an idea for a monkey mask and after tweaking it since some of the things we could not get here we had a craft! The kids at Anni's school each made their own mask and we had a blast dancing to the song. My favorite part was that they loved being tossed down when a monkey "bumped his head." Pretty hard too. I tell you African kids are hard core :) Here are pics...some blurry because of the dancing frenzy..
moneky masks at eden 006.jpgedit
We used paper plates, old brown paper bags to cut ears, popsicle sticks, and crayons....
moneky masks at eden 009.jpgedit
moneky masks at eden 004.jpgedit
And here is my all time favorite video ever!! Anni and Lusi dancing to the 5 Little Monkeys song. They learned it in shule but they request it at least twice a day. This day they were feeling particularly swanky (apparently)- Just watch and try not to smile....not possible! (they are not watching anything but their reflections in the off TV so the moves are all their own- no idea where they got them but hilarious!!)

Yeah for fun crafts and groovy songs and sharing both with friends!


Bibi Ronnie said…
I thought the puppies playing made my morning, but the swaying hips and little finger shaking might have passed it up. So cute. And to one of my favorite song memories of all you kids doing the same thing, only I didn't tape it .
Lola said…
That video definitely made me smile!! What cute girls!

Miss you all.

Alissa said…
Impossible not to smile, boy do I miss that girl. Thanks for posting!!

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