1 month stats

here are Miss Evy's 1 month stats & facts:
We had Evy's 1 month check up yesterday. She is now 8lbs 6 oz! Yeah she has gained almost 2 pounds. The Dr. said she is long and lean; taller than average and her head size and weight are a bit smaller than average but nothing to be concerned about. Tall & skinny: I'd take it! She has a bit of acid reflux like Anni did but other than that she is healthy and doing great! She does look like a teenager (minus the attitude and insecurities) as she has ushered in her baby acne. I hope it clears up soon as we want to take a family picture before we head back. She got her 2nd Hep shot and was not at all a fan as evidence seen in the picture below.

me....I am also one month out and although I am still not getting much sleep I continue to feel amazing and am so thankful to be well. Even though I gained less than 20 pounds with this pregnancy I still have about 15 pounds to lose...figure that one out!! I know as soon as we return to the land of rice and beans along with the non stop sweating I will shed the extra weight so I am not worried and choosing to EAT. I also forgot how hungry you are when breastfeeding. I swear I am ravenous at least once everyday and will eat anything in my path. I am again struggling with milk supply issues but feeding her on demand is helping and I am hopeful it will continue to go well.

It is fun to see a bit more of Evy's personality develop and it is awesome to see Anni interact with her. Evy is a drama queen like her sister utilizing the quivering lip and whimpers to gain kisses and snuggling at will. We also have seen a couple smiles (or near smiles) mostly at her sister but have yet to catch photographic evidence. Evy has acquired some nicknames that have stuck. She is now officially known as "The Bean" and "Beany" or if you ask one 3 year old girl "Little" said in high pitched voice 1 inch from aforementioned baby's face.


Unknown said…
yay! glad to hear she is growing and doing well! i love the pic of her crying. so sad but such an adorable little face!

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