I need to preface this story by saying we have always taught Annikah the correct names for all her body parts. I have always felt there is no need to make up cutesy names like "pee-pee" just because adults blush at the thought of explaining said body part. Every part of our body is created by God and none of it is shameful. Now, I am sure my cheeks will redden when Anni actually asks me about the birds and the bees but for now we have always taught Annikah the correct names and will stick to that. Recently she has become more interested in knowing the names of everything, I think it is the part of the "why?" toddler thing. She wants to know every person's name we pass or anyone she sees in a book. The constant "Mama, what the name is?" is adorable but also tiring but we roll with it. Last night I was giving her a bath and she was narrating "I am washing my armpit, my tummy, my knee, my 'gina (vagina)" and then paused and said very proudly "mama, boys don't have 'ginas they have peanuts." Close, Anni. Almost.