slowly returning...

We are slowly making our comeback to the land of technology....
I say slowly because our internet speed averages one email opened per ten minutes and because we got fairly used to ignoring this box-o-technology over the last week. It was hard too but mostly it was life giving. Good to remember that life continues without my presence in cyberspace. I needed this time spent in prayer and with our family and it was refreshing. kabisa. For reals, I totally recommend shutting down, turning off, and unplugging for some time. The interruption of the constant was needed for us. Lots to share but need to process and write more first.
For now some sweet pics of our Saturday spent with friends enjoying the hot weather... some swimming with turtles too!
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cute lil' Wazungu enjoying the pool!
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we are all about the cheesy smiles
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the girls were a bit freaked out at first but after a bit they decided it was pretty cool to swim with the long as they were vice gripping J that is....
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my personal Indiana Jones....he is a hottie!
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How Africa is this? the guys that worked there tried to convince us to buy it on our way only has "little problems" ....yeah! We just opted for the photo op :)


misskatiez said…
super jealous of the swimming with turtles!
Doro said…
he, you went to see the turtles and the python! Was it your first time?
So great, that you had a good time together with my family and the others there. See you soon!
Michelle said…
Catching up! Love you, girl! I'd like to send something for Christmas for your students. Send me some ideas, please! (and total # of students and your mailing address again!!)

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