mama & Anni ride

Could we PLEASE get some more above 60 days so my daughter and I can enjoy outdoor activities such as.....


Anonymous said…
I have been reading your blog for a while. I am old friends with Jorie and found yours, off of hers. Actually, my brother Tony went to school with Jason too. My girls love to watch the movies of Anni and I have seen the chicken dance about 200 times. I love the city, but we can't afford a house our whole family can fit into!!! (we have five kids) So your blog is my little city girl fix. I know you guys are leaving to go on the mission field soon and we will put you on our missionary prayer list. I don't have a blog but I have a xanga, pretty much the same thing though. Here's my link if you want to check us out.

Anyways, cute blog, we have fun reading.

Laura S said…
Wow, she is really good at that. She should give Joshie lessons, he always gets stuck ;)
Unity said…
Hey there Chica! Just a note that I went to Grind Cafe yesterday (for the 1st time) and got to see Anni's masterpieces up close--it was exciting.

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